Sociologist Dr. Myrna Dawson and Western University colleagues, Dr. Peter Jaffe and Marcie Campbell published findings this month in the Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice from a national knowledge exchange on domestic homicide review initiatives. The knowledge exchange brought together practitioners, researchers, and government officials from ten provinces and two territories to share regional experiences with domestic homicide reviews, to identify benefits and challenges of conducting reviews for domestic homicide prevention, and to outline promising practices that have been or may be implemented to address challenges. Participants discussed both differences and similarities of death review processes within individual provinces/territories and emerging issues and concerns around domestic violence death reviews. The final outcome of the think tank was the identification of next steps in domestic homicide death reviews and prevention through various recommendations that support the future framework for research and practice in this area. The article is called “Developing a National Collaborative Approach to Prevent Domestic Homicides: Domestic Homicide Review Committees” and is available at Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice Online.