Jordan Fairbairn, PhD Candidate at Carleton University co-supervised by Dr. Aaron Doyle (Carleton University) and by Dr. Myrna Dawson (University of Guelph), will present on behalf of the Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women (OCTEVAW) at the 5th Annual Impact of Family Violence Conference: Continuing the Conversation with Diverse and South Asian Communities. The conference is organized by the Social Services Network and will be held at the University of Ottawa on May 13 and 14. Fairbairn will discuss issues in mainstream media reporting of intimate partner homicide and explain how, working with local journalists, OCTEVAW created a Media Hub of resources to provide the media with access to information, statistics and sources for reporting on violence against women, with the aim of supporting local journalists in reporting fairly and thoroughly on VAW. The Media Hub includes reporter tip sheets and statistics for reporting on violence against Indigenous women, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, violence against LGBTQ folks, sexual violence involving social media (including “cyberbullying”), and tips for covering trials and interviewing survivors.