University of Guelph Master’s students Ilona Andersen and Jessica Whitehead presented their research earlier this month at the 3rd Annual Justice, Crime and Deviance: Regional Graduate Research and Networking Conference hosted by Wilfred Laurier University, Brantford, Ontario. Whitehead discussed the role that heteronormativity and hegemonic masculinity play in shaping perceptions of same-sex intimate partner violence in Canadian society which is part of her Masters’ research on responses to incidents of same-sex intimate partner violence. Andersen discussed the issue of white-collar crime, especially in the Canadian context, and perceptions of these types of crimes compared to various street crimes. This is the focus of her ongoing Masters’ thesis research on university student perceptions of white-collar crimes and the social factors that may impact these perceptions. Both Andersen and Whitehead are in the Criminology and Criminal Justice Policy Master’s program. Their research is being supervised by Dr. Myrna Dawson, Centre Director.