The Centre for the Study of Social and Legal Responses to Violence (CSSLRV) at the University of Guelph is well represented this week at the large, international annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology (ASC) being held in Washington, D.C. Centre student researchers Ilona Andersen, Hannah Barrett, Megan Byrne, Anna Johnson, Julie Poon, and Danielle Sutton as well as CSSLRV Research Associate Tina Hotton are all presenting research at the meeting. Andersen, Barrett, Byrne, and Johnson are Master’s students in University of Guelph’s Criminology and Criminal Justice Policy Program (CCJP) and Poon and Sutton are PhD students in Sociological Criminology, also at the University of Guelph. Findings from various research studies are being presented, including student perceptions of white collar crime, student perceptions of sexual assault prevention campaigns, an examination of community response models to human trafficking, the sentencing of Aboriginal offenders across Canada, the role of gender and weapon use in intimate partner violence in Canada, and the characteristics of intimate partner violence by relationship type, state and length. This is the 71st annual ASC meeting and this year’s theme is The Politics of Crime and Justice.