Today, in Australia, the CCSLRV at the University of Guelph co-hosted a research forum titled “It`s About Saving Lives: Responding to Homicide” with the Violence Research and Prevention Program, Griffith University, in Brisbane, Australia. The forum brought together researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and key stakeholders from Australia, Canada and New Zealand, representing a variety of sectors. Discussions focused on social and justice responses to homicide with the goals of enhancing collaborations and providing the opportunity to exchange knowledge and ideas internationally to address research and data gaps in the study of responses to homicide. The forum facilitated the creation of new networks and a developing research agenda that will respond to key policy and program objectives. Participating from Canada were CSSLRV researchers Danielle Bader, Michelle Carrigan, Myrna Dawson, Tina Hotton, Anna Johnson and Danielle Sutton. Also attending was Dawn Lavell-Harvard, Trent University, President of the Ontario Native Women’s Association and Vice-President of the Native Women’s Association of Canada. Various topics were covered including legal responses to domestic homicide, homicide reduction in cities, access to justice for victims and offenders, experiences of Indigenous and First Nations victims and offenders as well as detecting and assessing risk.