Centre Director, Dr. Myrna Dawson, was in Stockholm, Sweden today to serve as an opponent or external examiner for the defence of Shilan Caman’s doctoral dissertation entitled Intimate Partner Homicide Rates and Characteristics. Caman’s research, which is comprised of four separate studies, examines the role of gender and the social and criminological characteristics of both perpetrators and victims in intimate partner homicides, compared to other homicides. Appointed to this advisory role by the Karolinska Institutet Huddinge, the external examiner or ‘opponent’ must possess expert knowledge in the candidate’s subject field. The purpose of Dawson’s role was to critically examine the thesis and to engage with the candidate during their public defense including discussions on any methodological concerns or ethical considerations. Dawson has studied intimate partner homicide and femicide for close to two decades and is considered an expert in the field internationally.