Seven CSSLRV researchers traveled to London for a student, research assistant and co-investigator meeting for the Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative with Vulnerable Populations (CDHPIVP). The meeting allowed project members to come together to discuss progress on their five-year SSHRC partnership grant (2015-2020), focusing on the unique needs of Indigenous, immigrant and refugee, rural, remote, and northern communities as well as children exposed to domestic violence. The meeting included intercultural education training from London Cross Cultural Learners Centre, a presentation on understanding domestic homicide from an Indigenous perspective by CDHPIVP collaborator, Claudette Dumont-Smith, and a presentation on resiliency and victims of violence from the Victim Justice Network at Algonquin College. The meeting also focused on the next stage of the project which involves interviews with survivors and proxies of intimate partner and domestic violence. The meeting facilitated a productive and engaging knowledge exchange between students, research assistants, and co-investigators. The CDHPIVP is co-directed by CSSLRV Director Myrna Dawson and Peter Jaffe, the Academic Director for the Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children, Western University. Attending the meeting from the CSSLRV were Danielle Bader, Nicole Jeffrey, Anna Johnson, Dylan Reynolds, Gusharan Sandhu, Danielle Sutton, and Büşra Yalçınöz Uçan.