CSSLRV researchers participated today at the XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology in Toronto which has attracted about 6,000 delegates from 120 countries to the city this week. Jordan Fairbairn, a professor at King’s University College, and CSSLRV Director Myrna Dawson presented research that analyzed newspaper coverage of intimate partner homicide in Toronto and compared data ranging from 1975 to 2017. They explored how intimate partner homicide victims and perpetrators were represented, whether adequate information about the crime was provided as well as the sources cited in the news. In her presentation, Tina Hotton addressed the question of whether homicides of Indigenous women and girls were less likely to be cleared or solved by police than those involving non-Indigenous women and girls. Her analysis drew from 35 years of data from Statistics Canada’s Homicide Survey. Guila Benchimol’s presentation asked “what topics of discussion arose among Orthodox Jewish community members following a crime in their midst and examined whether community members were united or divided in their discussions. Held every four years, World Congress was hosted this year by the Canadian Sociological Association.