CSSLRV researchers were proud to be a part of the hardworking team of 120-plus volunteers who were vital this week to ensuring that ISA’s XIX World Congress of Sociology ran smoothly and that all the approximately 6,000 delegates from 120 countries felt welcome. Danielle Bader, Valerie Grand Maison, Emily Hill, Ana Nizharadze and Gursharan Sandhu were among the volunteers who performed a variety of tasks throughout the week in numerous capacities, including distributing delegate bags, working at the information booth to answer any questions, helping at the registration desk to ensure all delegates had their badges, and acting as way-finders to help delegates maneuver the eight-level Metro Toronto Convention Centre. The ISA World Congress of Sociology is an international conference, organized by the International Sociological Association (ISA) which takes place every four years, each time in a new and unique location. This year, hosted by the Canadian Sociological Association, the theme of the Congress was “Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities.” The week-long conference provided delegates and volunteers with the ability to participate in over 1,200 sessions on an array of topics and to discuss, debate, and share knowledge about pressing social issues worldwide. Addressing structural inequality, violence against Indigenous people and minorities as well as preventing violence against women were only a few of the topics that served as the basis for rich discussions facilitated at Congress. The unique perspectives presented by delegates and the diverse conversations that followed resulted in a successful and impactful conference which received overwhelmingly positive feedback.