On December 10, 2021, the Global Femi(ni)cide Watch Platform (FWP) was officially relaunched two years after the platform’s initial release. The FWP is a joint project of the UN Studies Association Global Network and the UNSA Vienna’s Femicide Team, prompted by a call from the United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (Read UNODC’S press statement). Dr. Myrna Dawson, the Senior Advisor and Project Lead, and a team of researchers from the CSSLRV curated content to create a knowledge repository on femicide and feminicide that will inform policy and research. CSSLRV researchers Haleakala Angus, Ciara Boyd, Abigail Mitchell, Andie Rexdiemer, Jasmine Sanfilippo and Angelika Zecha were dedicated to ensuring information on femicide is accessible globally. An online event was held to celebrate the relaunch with guest speakers: Angela Me (UNODC Research and Trend Analysis Branch), Helena Suárez Val and Silvana Fumega (DATA AGAINST FEMINICIDE), Karine Duhamel (National Inquiry into MMIWG), and Savia Hasanova (Kloop.kg, Femicide Kyrgyzstan).
Read the full news report, “U of G Students Curating One-Stop Info Hub to Stem Global Femicide.”