CSSLRV researchers Jessica Whitehead, Myrna Dawson and Tina Hotton released findings this month in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, examining the prevalence and characteristics of same-sex intimate partner violence in Canada. Their study represents the largest peer-reviewed study of its kind. Over the past 50 years, there has been a significant amount of research focusing on heterosexual intimate partner violence (Het-IPV) whereas there has been less attention to same-sex intimate partner violence (SS-IPV). Most existing research focuses on SS-IPV in the United States which cannot represent a correct picture of SS-IPV in Canada due to social, legal, and cultural differences. The researchers sought to understand the similarities and differences between SS-IPV and Het-IPV incidents reported to the police, exploring the influences of heteronormativity and hegemonic masculinity on reporting and recognition. The sample used in their study captured incidents of IPV reported in Canada during the five-year period (N= 346,565). The results showed that 4% of incidents of reported IPV involved people in same-sex relationships. Their results showed there were differences in the types of violations reported and some incident characteristics such as levels of victim injury and the population density where the offense occurred. This research can supply a foundation for future research and raise more awareness about how SS-IPV.