Paz Olaciregui, a PhD student in the Department of Law and Sociology at the University of Zaragoza, Spain arrived at the CSSLRV at the beginning of this month to spend the semester working with the CSSLRV team. She will also use this opportunity to build relationships with faculty and students in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences and the broader University of Guelph community. Olaciregui finished her studies in Political Science and Sociology in 2014 at Carlos III University of Madrid. During this time, she was awarded two scholar internship grants. The first grant was at The Metropolitan Autonomous University-México and the second was at University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. In 2015, Paz obtained her Master’s in Sociology of Public and Social Policies from the University of Zaragoza where she was a member of a research group that worked on the assessment of the local policies on gender violence. Continuing her work in this area, Olaciregui travelled to Philadelphia as a Visiting Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania. Since 2015, she has been working on violence against women research examining social, judicial and police discourses and practices, particularly in the area of prevention and risk assessment and management. In December of 2017, Paz received a research scholarship from the Spanish Government to do a three-month fellowship at CSSLRV to continue to pursue her current line of research inquiry. She will be at the CSSLRV from September-December 2018 where she will work under the supervision of CSSLRV Director, Myrna Dawson. Aligning with Olaciregui’s interests, Dawson is also Co-Director of a SSHRC-funded partnership grant focusing on risk assessment, risk management and safety planning for domestic violence and homicide across four vulnerable populations: Indigenous; rural, remote and northern; immigrant and refugee; and children exposed to domestic violence.