Laura Aguiar
Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) student

Laura Aguiar is currently a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) student at McGill University in Montreal. She is completing her final internship with the Canadian Observatory on Femicide and the Centre for the Study of Social and Legal Responses to Violence. Laura has spent the past decade working directly with survivors in anti-violence, harm reduction, and disability justice organizations. She has spent this time focusing her practice on supporting adult survivors of incest and child sexual abuse, responding to high-lethality situations of violence, working with unhoused women experiencing violence, and with women involved in the sex trade. Most recently, Laura was involved in supporting surviving family members of Missing and Murdered indigenous Women, Girls, Trans, and 2-Spirit people (MMIWG2S+).
Emily Graham
BA Honours Student, Psychology

Emily Graham is a recent undergraduate of the Psychology and Criminal Justice and Public Policy programs at the University of Guelph. She has primarily helped Dr. Dawson with web accessibility matters. This has included designing a fully accessible website for the Centre for the Study of Social and Legal Responses to Violence (CSSLRV), as well as ensuring accessibility of the new Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability (CFOJA). Emily also continues to assist Dr. Dawson with various other tasks such as researching and creating media images.