Visiting Scholars
There are currently no Visiting Scholars at CSSLRV.
Past Visiting Scholars
Dr. Büşra Yalçınöz Uçan
Bogazici University – Istanbul, Turkey

Busra Yalcinoz-Ucan is currently a post-doctoral research fellow in the Psychology Department at the University of Waterloo, working with Dr. Dillion Browne in a community partnership project on the evaluation of clinical services for women survivors of violence. Her research is funded by Mitacs-Accelerate in partnership with a mental health organization, Hope 24/7. Yalcinoz-Ucan completed her Ph.D. in December 2019 at the Department of Clinical Psychology, Bogazici University, Turkey. Her research examined women’s safety-seeking and resilience processes in violent relationships, with a focus on the experiences of staying in and leaving the relationships and post-separation well-being. She was a visiting graduate scholar at CSSLRV from 2017 to 2019 and worked in Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative (CDHPI) as a research associate. She is also a practicing clinical psychologist with a background in trauma-informed psychodynamic psychotherapy.
Paz Olaciregui
University of Zaragoza – Zaragoza, Spain

Paz Olaciregui finished her studies in Political Science and Sociology in 2014 at Carlos III University of Madrid. During this time, she was awarded two scholar internship grants. The first grant was at The Metropolitan Autonomous University-México and the second was at University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. In 2015, Paz obtained her Master’s degree in Sociology of Public and Social Policies by the University of Zaragoza. She is member of the LSG research group that work on the assessment of the local policies in gender violence. Following in this subject, she travelled to Philadelphia as a visitor scholar at the University of Pennsylvania. Currently, Paz is a PhD student at the Law Sociology Department, University of Zaragoza. Since 2015, she has been working on research focused on violence against women. The research task was first about discourses (social, judicial and police) and, at the moment, she is studying practices (social, judicial and police), particularly prevention and risk assessment and management. In December of 2017, Paz received a research scholarship from the Spanish Government to do a three-month fellowship at CSSLRV to continue to pursue her current line of research inquiry.
Paz Olaciregui was with the CSSLRV from September 2018-December 2018.
Dr. Jane Wangmann
University of Technology Sydney – Sydney, New South Wales

Dr. Jane Wangmann is a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Law, University of Technology Sydney, Australia. Her research is concerned with legal responses to domestic violence. In particular, she is concerned with how the law defines, understands and conceives of this harm. In her research, Jane draws on her extensive work in the field of domestic violence and the law for over 20 years – previously as a solicitor in a community legal centre, as a senior policy officer in the NSW Attorney General’s Department, as a law reform officer with the Australian Law Reform Commission and in research. Jane’s recent research has explored the use of typologies of intimate partner violence in family law, and gender differences in men and women’s use of violence in civil and criminal legal processes. She is currently a member of the New South Wales Domestic Violence Death Review Team.
Dr. Jane Wangmann was with the CSSLRV in the Fall Semester of 2016.
Julia Mansour
Public Interest Advocacy Centre – Sydney, New South Wales

Julia Mansour is a Senior Solicitor in the Public Interest Advocacy Centre’s (PIAC) Strategic Litigation team. While at PIAC, Julia has conducted litigation in the areas of discrimination, civil actions against government agencies, and merits review proceedings in the Australian Competition Tribunal. Julia has a particular interest in domestic violence and the protection of women’s rights. Before joining PIAC, Julia worked as a solicitor at Women’s Legal Services NSW and as a policy officer at the Australian Human Rights Commission. She also lectured in Torts at Melbourne Law School and served as an Associate at the High Court of Australia. In the Fall 2014, while working at Women’s Legal Services, Julia was awarded a Churchill Fellowship which provides Australians with the opportunity to travel internationally to conduct research in their chosen field of study that may not be as easy to examine in Australia. It aims to further enhance opportunities for talented and deserving Australians who are pursuing further excellence, new ideas and innovation. Churchill Fellowships are highly regarded because they provide pathways for recipients to connect with leaders from across the world, enabling the exchange of knowledge, technology and experience for the enrichment of Australian society. Julia visited the CSSLRV as part of her North American tour to examine research and issues related to women victims of intimate partner violence who become defendants to either criminal charges or protection orders in domestic violence cases.
Julia Mansour was with the CSSLRV in the Fall Semester of 2014.
Dr. Danielle Tyson
Deakin University – Victoria, Australia

Dr Danielle Tyson is a Senior Lecturer in Criminology in the School of Social Sciences at Deakin University and Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at Monash University. Her research takes a socio-legal approach to examining issues of domestic and family violence with a particular focus on law reform, legal responses to intimate partner homicide, and filicide in the context of separation and divorce. She is the author of Sex, Culpability and the Defence of Provocation publishing in 2013 by Routledge. Danielle is currently involved in a number of research projects that focus on gender and violence including: Improving Legal Responses to Intimate Partner Homicide (with Associate Professor Bronwyn Naylor, Faculty of Law, Monash University; Dr Debbie Kirkwood and Mandy McKenzie, Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria). This project is funded by the Legal Services Board Victoria (2013-MG019). Filicide in Australia, 2000 – 2012: A National Report (with Professor Thea Brown, Social Work, Monash University; Dr Adam Tomison, Samantha Lyneham, Samantha Bricknell and Willow Bryant, Australian Institute of Criminology). This project is funded by the Criminal Research Council (CRG 52/14-15). Sentencing in Domestic Homicide Cases (with Professor Rosemary Hunter, Queen Mary of London University).
Dr. Danielle Tyson was with the CSSLRV in the Summer Semester of 2010.